Mother Died

A man went to church and saw his best friend crying there. "What happened? What could be so bad?"

"My mother died yesterday," he sobbed.

"Oh my God! Not Mrs. C. How did that happen?"

"Well, it was hot yesterday, so we all had our beds on the balcony and we were sleeping. My mother rolled over and fell off."

"Oh God, so that's how she died?"

"No. She fell to the third floor balcony, held on to the railing. That broke and so she fell."

"So, that's how she died?"

"No. She fell to the second floor balcony, held on to the railing. That broke and so she fell."

"So, that's how she died?"

"Uh, no, not exactly... She fell to the first floor balcony. We all decided that she's destroying the house, so we shot her."