Funny Jokes

Car Shopping

A lovely lady walks into a Mercedes dealership. She browses around, thenspots the perfect car and walks over to inspect it. As she bends to feel thefine leather upholstery, a loud fart escapes her. Very embarrassed, shelooks around nervously to see if anyone had noticed her little accident. Sheturns back, and there, standing next to … Continue Reading

Technical Support Form

Due to a change in the company's operating procedures, all technical support requests will need to be initiated by first filling in the form below. When completed, place email it to the Technical Support inboxComputer Problem Self-Report Form 1. Describe your problem: __________________________________________ 2. Now, describe your problem accurately: __________________________ 3. Speculate wildly about the … Continue Reading

Magical Genie

A recently divorced woman is walking along the beach contemplating how badly she got in her divorce settlement, when she spies a magic lamp washing up on the shore. Ten-fold she rubs the lamp and out pops a magical genie. The genie notices her anger and lets her vent her troubles to him. As a … Continue Reading

Ugly Baby

A middle-aged couple, with two beautiful daughters, decided to try one last time for the son they always wanted. Soon, the wife became pregnant, and, nine months later, delivered a baby boy. The joyful father rushed to the nursery to see his new son, but was horrified to find an incredibly-ugly baby. He went to … Continue Reading

Men Super Store

Recently a "Husband Super Store" opened where women could go to choose a husband from among many men. It was laid out in five floors. The only rule was, once you opened the door to any floor, you HAD to choose a man from that floor; if you went up a floor, you couldn't go … Continue Reading

3 Dumb Guys and a Genie

OK, so there are 3 guys, and they are walking down the beach, when they find an old barnacle-encrusted bottle laying on the shore. One of the guys, says"Hey look. Its a bottle hehe", and he picks it up and throws it. It cracks against a nearby palm tree, and a blinding flash of white … Continue Reading