Guestbook Archive

Name: Allic

Location: London

Hey guys this website is a great idea for studying for the life in the UK test. Thanks alot. One caution though...please review how you have set the answers. Some of the ones you have set are incorrect. As a reference check question 20 in test 20. There are also some questionable answers in test 20 as well. Im not being critical, im just trying to help future people when they are studying. Thanks guys.

1665. no* 13.01.2009 11:40:29

Name: Andi

Location: South Africa

Thanks for a useful and well designed site. Keep up the good work!

1666. no* 16.01.2009 17:19:46

Name: Jabroo16

Location: Canada

How can I download these jokes?

1667. no* 17.01.2009 14:45:13

Name: jayesh_

Location: india

pls send meable Desi Gujarati Jokes in mp3 and
pls you give some link to downlod in your site

1668. no* 20.01.2009 09:46:28

Name: Prakash

Location: ppp


1669. no* 01.02.2009 02:14:03

Name: Ricky

Location: Australia

Thankx very much for your funstuff contents specially gujarati jokes and dayro section.
And i also wish to hear more of this stuff specially of 2008 or new updates.
Thanx alot and i have also asked my friends to visit this site.

1670. no* 01.02.2009 03:52:05

Name: dhaval

Location: Cnanda

I can Play only & only one (18) Kantibhai Jokes Vol-1. All other joke I am not able to play. What may be the reason?


1671. no* 01.02.2009 15:37:25

Name: Harendra

Location: New York

Please add more jokes, if you can.

We really enjoy listening to them.

Thank you

1672. no* 14.02.2009 16:54:20

Name: vinod

Location: california, usa

I like jokes, only problem is I have to listen online only, I can't download or make cd. can you give me some Idea how to do it,. so I can hear it any time and also lets here from my friend circle. please reply to give so guidelines how to do it. thanks vinod

1673. no* 15.02.2009 05:30:22

Name: Zinnoc

Location: Bulgaria

Nice and funny site , good job Hiren and keep the Hiren's Boot CD up-to-date , thank you !?! ;)

1674. no* 20.02.2009 21:25:37

Name: Aasai ganesh

Location: india

wife- the train makes all things beautiful. thegrass and flowers too. husband-if train makes all things beautiful, why doesnt it rain on you?

1675. no* 21.02.2009 12:11:38