Guestbook Archive

Name: Huacho

Location: Ecuador

Tengo la direcion, donde descargas Good jobs, very well hirens Boot CD

672. no* 01.01.2004 00:00:00

Name: hermouche

Location: Algeria

Amazing your boot cd 6. Freind of mine have a copy, but he do not want me to make a copy of it. Is it forbidden to do it??? I would like to have a copy of it. Where can i find it? Thanks a lot and congratulation.

673. no* 01.01.2004 00:00:00

Name: brazilianboy*

Location: Brazil

hy there, thank you to all to this great feature ! really great ! have a nice day !

674. no* 01.01.2004 00:00:00

Name: P§¥KHØ

Location: WiReD

Este es el MEjor boot cd ke he llegado a tener en mis manos la unica duda que poseo es como lo ejecuto con diskett para los pc viejos que no ejecutan por CD.......... Bye y Thank`s

675. no* 01.01.2004 00:00:00

Name: RupAl....

Location: UK...

Great Boot CD man, respect to ma Gujiz keep it comin - pce...

676. no* 01.01.2004 00:00:00

Name: JIM

Location: Boston, Ma.

Just wanted to say I enjoyed your CD. I was alot of help. Thanks

677. no* 01.01.2004 00:00:00

Name: bart

Location: belgium

you rock!

678. no* 01.01.2004 00:00:00

Name: Tejas

Location: Manchester, UK

I regular visit your website and love the jokes you put on the site. They are just amazing. Is it possible to put them up for download? Keep puting more gujarati jokes.Cheers!

679. no* 01.01.2004 00:00:00

Name: bRuMi

Location: PORTUGAL

simply the best ;) keep up the great work.. the 6th version is great .. an very usefull.. thnks!

680. no* 01.01.2004 00:00:00

Name: Oscar Salinas Mora

Location: Xalapa, México

Ur BootCD is really Cool!, ive a BootCD with WinPE(, ERD Commander and Windows 98 & 95 Live and 911 Utilities CD(+Utilities), but ur ISO is really usefull for maintenance and repair, i am surpriced, for a really great work

681. no* 01.01.2004 00:00:00

Name: Mahek Rajyaguru

Location: Malaysia

It is simply outstanding!!!! Please keep updating the jokes.

682. no* 01.01.2004 00:00:00